Immigration problem solved

While our “Brain Trust” in Washington pontificates and prances and preens before the cameras trying to look stately (but instead looking like the buffoons they are) I came across the requirements that a little country in South America has for anyone coming into THEIR country. There is no question about allowing criminals who have sneaked into their county becoming residents. Uruguay, unlike the US it would seem, does not sell their birth right for cheap votes. They,unlike the US consider their country as theirs. It is not for sale and they will not pay for people from other countries to come into theirs and become parasites. A very practical practice I would say.

And this was similar to what an immigrant had to do in order to come into the US legally before the Democrats in the 1960’s implemented the system we have now. And as you can see, was aimed at the destruction of traditional American Society. (look up the Immigration act of 1965) Before that act, immigration was proprotioned on the orgins of the American’s living here. For instance, if 30% of the citizens were from England, then 30% of the immigrants could come from there.

This system ensured that as the founders observed, a comon culture, language and religion would be preserved. But the Democrats, who controlled the entire government in the 1960’s threw that system out and opened the flood gates to the rabble that are here now and are clamoring for legal recognition.

To Obtain Uruguayan Residence (source
It takes 12 to 18 months to obtain resident status
After 3 to 5 years you can apply for citizenship and passport
To obtain residency:
Gather all of the necessary documents
Enter Uruguay as a tourist
Within 90 days, submit the application at the National Migration Office
Once application is filed, you may stay in the country indefinitely, as a “temporary resident”
Documents you will need.
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Police records from your home country and any other country that you have lived in for the last 5 years
Documents that PROVE that you have income to support yourself for life.
In Uruguay, you will need to undergo a medical examination and have pictures taken
Residency applicants must prove that they have an income stream consistent with their living standard
Pension for abroad
Mutual fund or retirement fund income
Proceeds from the lease of a property abroad or in Urugual
Work contract in Uruguay
All documents must be certified by a Notary in Uruguay
Now here is my idea. Do a find and replace on Uruguay with The United States of America. Vote on it and enforce it. Problem solved.

About justanokthinker

A thinking guy from Oklahoma
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1 Response to Immigration problem solved

  1. Fed Up says:

    This is a super idea. But since it does nothing for the elite or either party, it will not stand a chance.

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