The Unconstitutional NDAA of the Obama Administration

Please go to this link for the latest update on this law, which would be even worse for our Constitutional form of government. NDAA is Putting America under a Dictatorship.

God Bless

Posted in 2nd Amentment, Cheap Politicians, civil war, Constitution, democrat party, Eric Holder, Fairness, gun control, King of America, Nullification, Obama, Obama Regime, Police State, Progressives | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jack Booted thugs headed for your town too?

There was a recent article in the local fly paper letting us know that the Broken Arrow Police Department just got a whole bunch of shinny new AR15 style rifles. Please read the following:

[Story about Paragould Arkansas’s new and ‘Improved’ Police Department and how FEAR is used to manipulate weak minded people to put up with this nonsense.] According to local news reports, the police department canceled two subsequent town hall meetings to discuss the heavy handed policing plan. Following outrage from Paragould residents, the police cited “strong public safety concerns” to cancel the meetings.

Meanwhile, Paragould’s mayor has reportedly dialed back his rhetoric around the amped up policing proposal and, according to the Arkansas Times, the mayor said patrolling police would not “constantly” be carrying assault rifles. Although announced to begin in January, no SWAT patrols have begun in Paragould yet.

Original: Following a rise in violent crime in Paragould, an Arkansas town of around 26,000 residents, the mayor and police chief announced that starting this month police in SWAT gear carrying AR-15s would patrol the streets.

“If you’re out walking, we’re going to stop you, ask why you’re out walking, and check for your ID,” police chief Todd Stovall told a December town hall meeting. As if to render the implementation of a visible police state more palatable, Stovall assured residents that police stops would not be based on any profiling: “We’re going to do it to everybody,” he said.

Stovall also told residents he had not consulted an attorney before instituting the plan. HuffPo’s Radley Balko noted that Paragould is not the first town to bring in such measures:

Using SWAT teams for routine patrols isn’t uncommon. Fresno did this for several years in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The city sent its Violent Crimes Suppression Unit into poorer neighborhoods and stopped, confronted, questioned, and searched nearly everyone they encountered. “It’s a war,” one SWAT officer told Christian Parenti in a a report for The Nation (not available online). Another said, “If you’re 21, male, living in one of these neighborhoods, and you’re not in our computer, then there’s something definitely wrong.”

Balko picked up on interesting detail in Stovall’s comments. The police chief said, “THIS FEAR IS WHAT’S GIVEN US THE REASON TO DO THIS. ONCE I HAVE STATS AND PEOPLE SAYING THEY’RE SCARED, WE CAN DO THIS” (Caps Mine) As Balko pointed out, although there was an uptick in violent crime in Paragould, “fear” of crime was used as the pretext to implement martial law — based on such troubling reasoning, there is never not fear in U.S. towns today and so there is never not a pretext to introduce patrolling SWAT teams.

Arkansas Town Enacts Martial Law

Original in
By Natasha Lennard

Really. What reason can there possible be for having police patrols arming themselves with these types of weapons. A small swat team on call to assist would be plenty. This is just over the top.

God Bless

Posted in 2nd Amentment, Cheap Politicians, civil war, Constitution, Cops, education, gun control, Gun Owners of America, Guns, no knock raid, Police State | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Immigration problem solved

While our “Brain Trust” in Washington pontificates and prances and preens before the cameras trying to look stately (but instead looking like the buffoons they are) I came across the requirements that a little country in South America has for anyone coming into THEIR country. There is no question about allowing criminals who have sneaked into their county becoming residents. Uruguay, unlike the US it would seem, does not sell their birth right for cheap votes. They,unlike the US consider their country as theirs. It is not for sale and they will not pay for people from other countries to come into theirs and become parasites. A very practical practice I would say.

And this was similar to what an immigrant had to do in order to come into the US legally before the Democrats in the 1960’s implemented the system we have now. And as you can see, was aimed at the destruction of traditional American Society. (look up the Immigration act of 1965) Before that act, immigration was proprotioned on the orgins of the American’s living here. For instance, if 30% of the citizens were from England, then 30% of the immigrants could come from there.

This system ensured that as the founders observed, a comon culture, language and religion would be preserved. But the Democrats, who controlled the entire government in the 1960’s threw that system out and opened the flood gates to the rabble that are here now and are clamoring for legal recognition.

To Obtain Uruguayan Residence (source
It takes 12 to 18 months to obtain resident status
After 3 to 5 years you can apply for citizenship and passport
To obtain residency:
Gather all of the necessary documents
Enter Uruguay as a tourist
Within 90 days, submit the application at the National Migration Office
Once application is filed, you may stay in the country indefinitely, as a “temporary resident”
Documents you will need.
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Police records from your home country and any other country that you have lived in for the last 5 years
Documents that PROVE that you have income to support yourself for life.
In Uruguay, you will need to undergo a medical examination and have pictures taken
Residency applicants must prove that they have an income stream consistent with their living standard
Pension for abroad
Mutual fund or retirement fund income
Proceeds from the lease of a property abroad or in Urugual
Work contract in Uruguay
All documents must be certified by a Notary in Uruguay
Now here is my idea. Do a find and replace on Uruguay with The United States of America. Vote on it and enforce it. Problem solved.

Posted in Budget, Cheap Politicians, Constitution, democrat party, Fairness, Immigration, Progressives, suicide | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The STUPID Party


The Stupid Party, better known as the Republican party, is showing just exactly how they got that name.

Any time you see these two clows, Stupid Party Senator Lindsey Graham and the Santa Clause Party Democra senator Chuck Schumer teaming up, you know what the outcome is going to be.

The immigration bill being touted in Washington, which of course will sanction people sneaking into the country with NO hesitation, will put an end to the Stupid Party once and for all.

These guys like Graham and McCain think that if only THEY act like the Democrats and reward illegal bahavior, well those dog gone nice criminals, well, when the next election comes along they will remember me and what i did and by golly, they will vote for me. Shucks, they may even have me and the misses over for dinner one night.

When Pigs Fly.

These people are NOT reliable. They are criminals. Do you really think that letting a few more illegals become citizens and vote that you are going to get any of those votes. HELL NO you are NOT. These people want a free ride. They do not want to follow rules or law. They want free stuff.

And while the Stupid Party has become much better with handing out other people’s money for votes than they were in the past, they cannot hold a candle to the Santa Claus party. They wrote the book on turning people into parasites, then turning them into democrat voters.

With a few more millions of Santa Claus voters, the Stupid party may as well fold their tents and say good night. They, like the old Wigg party will be fading into the past.

Buy more Guns, More bullets.

God Bless.


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Stupid is as Stupid does

The Fontana School District in California is going to get tough on the crazies that want to come into their schools and “shoot ’em up”. What is their plan you ask? Well, I will tell you right now that I am NOT making this up.

These Einsteins are going to buy 14 AR15 style rifles. They are going to install “Lockable” lockers in the schools. Now guess where they are going to put these brand new AR15s? You got it. In the Lockers.

Yeah, that’s right. These rifles will be locked up in the school. And what if a nut job breaks into the school and starts going, well nuts? I guess the cops, who will no doubt be called sometime during this situation, will arrive at the school. Now what? The guns are locked up in the school with the crazy person.

Maybe since it is a school, the cops may ask the Nut case if he would do a “Time Out” so they can get into the school, unlock the locker, remover the weapons (and I am sure they are not stored loaded), load the weapons and then tell the perp “…Time In” and start blasting away.

I actually think I saw someting like this on an old re-run of the Keystone Cops.

Also notice in the article below that these AR15s are refered to as “Assuolt Weapons” which of course they are NOT.

Go here to read more –

Posted in 2nd Amentment, Cheap Politicians, children, Constitution, Cops, education, gun control, Gun Owners of America, Guns, NRA, Obama Regime, School Shooting | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Children are always used by Cheap Politicians to mask the evil of what they attemt to do.

Obama sorounded by childrenHitler and Children

Hitler and Obama. Compared to Hitler, Obama is just a cheap wannabe.
But he does understand what Hitler understood. Always appear with the most innocent when you want to do the most evil.

God Bless


Posted in 2nd Amentment, Cheap Politicians, children, democrat party, gun control, Gun Owners of America, Murder, Obama, Obama Regime, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obama signs 23 “Executive Orders” violating the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

I find this very troubling. Neither this President nor any President nor this Congress nor any congress has the power to change the Constitution. They can only propose changes to the people through their state legislatures as amendments to the constitution. This is the only legal way it can be modified. Any other method is an infringement.

The 2nd amendment is, like it or not, part of our original Bill of Rights. And it is the only Amendment which states that it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. It is as much a part of the Constitution as every other word of that document. And it is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT 27 words in the entire instrument.

King James of England (as well as most kings) was a arbitrary ruler. He told the People that “The Law is in my Mouth” meaning he was beyond reproach and anything he said went. The Nobles had different ideas and went to Runnymede with a Well Armed and Regulated Militia to contest the issue. To save his but King John signed a document called the Magna Carta. Do NOT mistake this for a Constitution like ours. But it did define rights that SHOULD be had by the nobles of Great Britain.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The American People at the time of the ratification of the Constitution were well aware of just what sort of rule a King or any man or group of men was likely to be. So the People refused to accept the Constitution UNLESS a Bill of Rights was included to protect their most basic and fundamental God Given Liberties. And they made sure to put into this document the ONE right which guaranteed all of the others.

Without this Amendment, the 2nd, unscrupulous, unrincipled and designing people, like Barack Obama, could become a law unto themselves. (And Obama is, thanks to a Potted Plant congress, attempting to do just that.)

Now Obama has signed 23 Executive Orders infringing on the Rights of the People to Keep and Bear Arms. These executive orders are NOT worth the paper they are written on. He has NO delegated power to suspend or infringe on the 2nd Amendment.

We know this guy has no respect for the rule of law. He routinely ignores things like bankruptcy law in order to pay off his union buddies. He ignores the voting rights law when the person who is being denied his right to vote is the wrong color. He ignores the Defense of Marriage act to gain some votes from one of this fringe support group. And he ignores immigration law, again, to gain votes from another.

If Obama can pick and chose the legitimate laws he will observe and which he will not, it is clearly in our Power to do the same thing for laws that are NOT Legitimate. We ARE THE PEOPLE and all Power flows From us.

Since neither Obama NOR the US congress has the power to change the Constitution, anything either of them do to infringe the 2nd Amendment will not have legitimate force of law. And anything they do will need to be unrecognized in the States and by the People.

And if Obama’s henchmen try to take the law into their own hands, we have to Thank our Founders for the wisdom and the foresight to ensure that we will have the power to resist. Like the nobles at Runnymede, we may just have to do it again.

Some states have already started legislation to stop any of possible Unconstitutional laws from having any effect in their state. Wyoming have rightfully, and legally, introduced a bill which will nullify any federal gun control measures, which includes the power to jail any federal or local agents who attempt to enforce such a law.

It’s high time we had 49 (or if Obama was counting, 56) more states do the same thing.

Because if we do NOT JOIN together in fighting this assult on the Constitution, this Country will surely die.

God Bless

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What Federalism is all about.

WE the People

If you are NOT a member of CATO, you really should be. The research and analysis is beyond compare.

This is a synopsis of a recent paper, link included, showing how States Can (and in my opinion must) fight the overeaching Federal Government.

Policy AnalysisNo. 714
On the Limits of Federal Supremacy: When States Relax (or Abandon) Marijuana Bans
By Robert A. Mikos
December 12, 2012
The American Constitution divides governmental power between the federal government and several state governments. In the event of a conflict between federal law and state law, the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) makes it clear that state policies are subordinate to federal policies. There are, however, important limitations to the doctrine of federal supremacy.

First, there must be a valid constitutional basis for the federal policy in question. The powers of the federal government are limited and enumerated, and the president and Congress must always respect the boundary lines that the Constitution created.

Second, even in the areas where federal authorities may enact law, they may not use the states as instruments of federal governance. This anticommandeering limitation upon federal power is often overlooked, but the Supreme Court will enforce that principle in appropriate cases.

Using medical marijuana as a case study, I examine how the anti-commandeering principle protects the states’ prerogative to legalize activity that Congress bans. The federal government has banned marijuana outright, and for years federal officials have lobbied against local efforts to legalize medical use of the drug. However, an ever-growing number of states have adopted legalization measures. I explain why these state laws, and most related regulations, have not been—and cannot be—preempted by Congress. I also develop a new framework for analyzing the boundary between the proper exercise of federal supremacy and prohibited commandeering.

Although I focus on medical marijuana, the legal analysis applies to any issue pitting permissive state laws against restrictive federal regulations. Recent referenda in Colorado and Washington that legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults will likely prompt federal officials to respond by touting the supremacy of the federal ban and challenging the constitutionality of state efforts at legalization. Such state reforms should carry the day in the event of such a legal challenge.

Go here to read the entire paper.

Posted in 2nd Amentment, Abortion, Cheap Politicians, civil war, Constitution, democrat party, Eric Holder, gun control, Gun Owners of America, Jury, Nullification, Obama, Obama Regime, ObamaCare, Progressives | Leave a comment

The STATES can, and MUST Stop Obama

I find it troubling. Neither the President nor the US congress have any power to change the Constitution. They can only propose changes to the people through their state legislatures as amendments to the constitution.

Since the 2nd amendment, like it or not, is as much a part of the Constitution as all the otheramendments and text, this is the only legal way it can be modified (infringed). Since the US congress lacks this power it will not have legitimate force of law and will need to be unrecognized in the States or by the People.

We need to make sure the Oklahoma Legislature understands their role in this and that the People of Oklahoma really do expect them to exercise their delegated powers to make sure no law or regulation that Infringes on the 2nd Amendment is ever enforced in Oklahoma.

Wyoming is showing the way. Wyoming Representative Kendell Kroeker has sponsered and introduced HB0104, the Firearms Protectin Act. It says in part, “…(d) any federal law, rule, regulation or order created or effective on or before Jan. 1, 2013 shall be unenforcebale within the borders of Wyoming…” and it goes on to prescribe punishments for federal agenst who violate this law.

Michigan has introduced similar legislation. I am sure there are more.

If these United States are going to have any semblence of a Republic, we need each state in the Union to unite with each other and JUST SAY NOW to the Government by Fiat.

God Bless


Posted in 2nd Amentment, Cheap Politicians, children, civil war, Constitution, Cops, education, Eric Holder, gun control, Gun Owners of America, Jury, King of America, no knock raid, NRA, Nullification, Obama, Obama Regime, ObamaCare, oklahoma, Police State, Progressives, Reid, School Shooting, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Our Imperial Presidents

While ratificatin of the Constitution was being debated in the original 13 states, one thing that kept coming out from almost every one of the so called “Federalst” was that the advantage of our type of Government would be that all elected officers, from the President on down, would be returned to the community and have to live under the laws that they made. This would act asa governor on their behavior. It didn’t work out that way.

George McGovern, a very liberal democrat, found out just how badly the regulations he had helped pass affected small businesses after he left office. His Bed and Breakfast failed. He said, “I wish I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American businesspeople while I was a U.S. senator and later a presidential nominee. That knowledge would have made me a better legislator and a more worthy aspirant to the White House. … I learned first of all that over the past 20 years America has become the most litigious society in the world. … The second lesson I learned by owning the Stratford Inn is that legislators and government regulators must more carefully consider the economic and management burdens we have been imposing on U.S. businesses. … Many businesses, especially small independents such as the Stratford Inn, simply can’t pass such costs on to their customers and remain competitive or profitable.”

Of course we do Not send them back to their communities often enough. And now Obama and lord only knows how, has somehow convinced the Republicans in the house and senate to give HIM and his FAMILY LIFETIME SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION. H.R. 6620, introduced by a Republican Trey Gowdy and cosponsered by Republican Lamar Smith. It used to be 10 Years, but that is not befitting to a monarch now is it. Our latest Imperial President must have tax payer funded protection for the rest of his life.

Now please think about this. This guy, and most Presidents we have had in the last 30 years either came into office rich, or made a fortune while in office. They also will enjoy lucrative fees for appearences and speaking engagements and future books that are only possible because they spent some time in that office. They WILL be living a lifestyle made possilbe ONLY because of the time they spent in office. And NOW thanks to some really weak Republicans, they will have their private security for themselves, their wives and their Children provided by the Taxpayer, the vast majority of which will NEVER see over $60,000 in salary per year. I could see where this may be a perk in a Monarchical syle government. But NEVER in a Republic.

God Bless


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